Happy Sunday All,
I know it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted anything, but I have been dealing with one of the joys of being a cancer patient; Shingles!
Around the 18th or so of May, I started having pain in the right side of my head and face. By Friday, I was in a lot of pain. I called my doctor and she wrote prescriptions for pain medicine and for a medicine for neuropathic pain and I came home for the afternoon. I finally got the pain under control and was able to enjoy an evening out with my BFF dancing. Saturday, we picked blueberries and made blueberry jam and went dancing again. I made it thru the lesson before the dance, but the pain was bad enough I just couldn't enjoy my night. I came home and took my pain meds and managed to sleep a little bit, but by Sunday morning, I was hurting so bad, I called the oncology doctor on call, told him my symptoms and he said it sounded like shingles to him, but since he couldn't see me over the phone, he would meet me in the emergency room and take a look at me. So, I called my Mom and she came and got me and off we went to the ED. Sure enough, I had a pretty bad case of shingles.
I was admitted last Sunday for IV anti-viral medication and IV pain control. By Monday morining, I was feeling better, but was still requiring a fairly stout dose of IV Morphine to control the pain, along with an oral medication for neuropathic pain. I told my mom and my BFF that I don't know how people with chronic pain deal with it day in and day out. I have a new found respect for those with chronic pain.
Now, I am off work for at least another week and a half to make sure I am clear of the virus!
On top of all of that, I caught a cold while I was in the hospital on the oncology floor! Only this could happen to me!
I hope all of you have a great Memorial Day and thanks to all of our service men and women for protecting us!
Remember to FEEL YOUR BOOBIES!!!!!!
The girls at Munday Chiro are thinking about you. We want to let you know that we are missing you! Glad to hear you are doing well. Take care and hope to see you soon