Monday, October 10, 2011

Treatment is DONE!!!

I cannot believe it. I am done with treatment!!!!!  Wow, what a year this has been.  It's so very easy for me to remember the panic, the fear, the sheer terror of finding a mass in my right breast.  The fact that I have done as well as I have is a miracle.  I worked through most of the time I've been in treatment from chemotherapy to radiation therapy.  I can't say enough about my coworkers who have had to deal with me and all the appointments I've had for treatment.  You all rock!!!

My family has been there for me from the outset of this.  My mother gave up her time to nurse me and haul me around to each doctor's appointment and every Monday for my chemo.  I'll never be able to thank her.  My father has been there for me as well.  He filled in when Mom wasn't able to be at appointments with me.  Thanks Dad.  I know you were scared out of your mind as much as I was.

My BFF, Pam was there from the beginning as well.  She actually stayed with me the first night I was home from the hospital just so I wouldn't be alone.  She's put up with my ranting and raving about the bad hand I was dealt.  She came over every morning after she got off work or got up to give me my anticoagulant shots.  She really got to "needle" me for a week. LOL.

My other BFF, Bonnie is a whirlwind of a woman!  She and I reconnected 25 years after we graduated from Lake Gibson High School.  I believe we were put in eachothers' lives for a reason.  She helped me find the positive and "pixie dust" in this journey.  She came to my house after I got home from surgery and just was there for me.  She even did something I never expected her to do.  She shaved her head the same day I did after the chemo started to take mine. 

To everyone out there that has followed this for the past year, thank you.  I will be continuing to post and keep everyone up to date, especially when I get the "rebuilts" placed!  I will only ask for continued prayers.

Remember to feel your boobies! Get your mammograms and do your MONTHLY self breast exam.  Only you know what's normal for you.  I am living proof that early detection is a life saver!!!

Hugs to all

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